Swedbank Large Corporates & Institutions Credit Research’s disclaimer
This material is a Marketing Communication and has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements for investment research and may have been produced in conjunction with the Swedbank AB (publ) (“Swedbank”) trading desks that trade as principal in the instruments mentioned herein. This material is therefore not independent from the proprietary interests of Swedbank, which may conflict with your interests. Opinions expressed may differ from the opinions expressed by other business units of Swedbank. Note that part of the remuneration of the author(s) may be directly tied to any transactions performed, or trading fees received, by any entity of Swedbank Group.
This material includes references to securities and related derivatives that the firm’s trading desk may make market or provide liquidity in, and in which it is likely as principal to have a long or short position at any time, including possibly a position that was accumulated on the basis of this analysis material prior to its dissemination.Trading desks may also have or take positions inconsistent with this material. This material may have been made available to other clients of Swedbank before it has been made available to you and is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of its dissemination.
The opinions, commentaries, projections, forecasts, assumptions, estimates, derived valuations and target price(s) or other statements contained in this communication are valid as at the indicated date and/or time and are subject to change at any time without prior notice.
What our research is based on
Swedbank Large Corporates & Institutions Credit Research (LC&I Credit Research) department bases the research on a variety of aspects and analysis. For example: A fundamental assessment of a company's financial and business profile, current or expected market sentiment, internal or external circumstances affecting the credit quality of the company and relative assessment of the company compared to peers or other relevant companies.
Trading recommendations for fixed-income securities are mostly base on the credit spread (yield difference between the security and the relevant government bond or swap rate). Based on the type of investment recommendation or credit assessment, the time horizon can range from short-term up to 12 months.
Recommendation structure
Swedbank LC&I Credit Research's recommendation structure consists of several levels: issuer, sector and instrument. Depending of the level of recommendation, it could be in absolute or relative terms.
Sector level
Strong Overweight/Overweight: the return by increasing exposure to this sector is expected to exceed the return of the credit market in general.
Market weight: the return by having exposure to this sector is expected to be in line with the return of the credit market in general.
Underweight/Strong Underweight: the return by having exposure to this sector is expected to be lower than the return of the credit market in general.
Instrument level
Cash bonds:
Strong Overweight/Overweight: the return by holding this instrument is expected to exceed the return of equivalent bonds, the sector or the credit market in general.
Market weight: the return by holding this instrument is expected to be in line with the return of equivalent bonds, the sector or the credit market in general.
Underweight/Strong Underweight: the return by holding this instrument is expected to be lower than the return of equivalent bonds, the sector or the credit market in general.
Credit Default Swaps:
Buy protection: we expect the CDS-spread to widen more than the spread for peers' CDSs, the sector in general or an aggregated index.
Neutral: we expect the CDS-spread to develop in line with the spread for peers' CDSs, the sector in general or an aggregated index.
Sell protection: we expect the CDS-spread to tighten more than the spread for peers' CDSs, the sector in general or an aggregated index.
External ratings
All credit rating referred to in this material are public credit ratings, provided by registered Credit Rating Agencies.
Previous recommendations
For Swedbank’s previous recommendations please follow the link:
Analyst's certification
The analyst(s) responsible for the content of this report hereby confirm that notwithstanding the existence of any such potential conflicts of interest referred to herein, the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the companies and securities covered. The analyst(s) further confirm not to have been, nor are or will be, receiving direct or indirect compensation in exchange for expressing any of the views or the specific recommendation contained in the report.
Issuer, distribution & recipients
This report by Swedbank LC&I Credit Research is issued by the Swedbank Large Corporates & Institutions business area within Swedbank AB (publ) ("Swedbank").
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Limitation of liability
This information has been prepared for information only. Views expressed herein are not intended to be, and should not be viewed as advice or as a personal recommendation. Other than as indicated, this document has been prepared on the basis of publicly available information believed to be reliable. However, no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Swedbank with respect to the completeness or accuracy of its contents, and it is not to be relied upon as authoritative and should not be taken in substitution for the exercise of reasoned, independent judgment by you.
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Opinions contained in the report represent the analyst's present opinion only and may be subject to change. In the event that the analyst's opinion should change or a new analyst with a different opinion becomes responsible for our coverage of the company, we shall endeavor (but do not undertake) to disseminate any such change, within the constraints of any regulations, applicable laws, internal procedures within Swedbank, or other circumstances.
If you are in doubt as to the meaning of the recommendation structure used by Swedbank in its research, please refer to "Recommendation structure".
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Conflicts of interest
The views in this communication may not be objective or independent of the interests of the authors or other Swedbank corporate and institutional banking desks, who may be active participants in the markets, investments or strategies referred to in this material. Swedbank and its respective affiliates, connected companies, employees or clients may have an interest in financial instruments of the type described in this document and/or related financial instruments. Such interests may include dealing in, trading, holding or acting as market-makers or liquidity providers in such instruments and may include providing banking, credit and other financial services to any company or issuers of securities or financial instruments referred herein. Accordingly, information included in or excluded from this material is not independent from the proprietary interests of Swedbank, which may conflict with your interests.